keskiviikko 26. elokuuta 2015

Week 1


My name is Saku Ruus. I'm a 23-year-old Finnish-Canadian, who is eager to learn as much as possible about the world and myself. Being half Finnish and half Canadian, I can't help but be a hockey enthusiast! Besides hockey, I play many other sports (mainly team sports), and I also enjoy reading and spending time in the woods.

I'm one of those people who wants to become an entrepreneur, and in order to learn the tricks of the trade, I started studying international business at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Besides studying, I also work in a small IT headhunting company, where I get to work on all parts of the business, and get a feel for what it's like to be your own boss.

This week, my third year at Haaga-Helia began. On our second day, we started a course on creative communications; our first home assignment was to create a video CV no longer than one minute. It sounded like a fun exercise, and although I've never made a video CV before, I got right to it.

I was surprised at how difficult it was to talk for one minute without messing up my words, or saying something completely different from what I had in mind. I did manage to get a good take, eventually. My approach to the task was a bit more humorous - although I did take the exercise itself seriously, and put quite some effort into it, the position I applied for was more on the fantastical side (which I won't reveal yet, because the video hasn't been published yet).

All in all it was an interesting task, and something I enjoyed doing. I've always been quite camera-shy, and self-conscious about myself on video, but I guess that's quite normal. That's also why I decided to do it tongue-in-cheek, so that I wouldn't think about it too much, or worry about looking silly. In the end, I actually think I could've actually looked a lot sillier for the position I applied to!